Bitcoin ’n‘ Blockchain (004): The Dark Side(s) of Cryptocurrencies

Is cryptocurrency aka digital token a threat or an investment opportunity?

If you are skeptical about all theses promises about Bitcoin and another cryptocurrencies maybe you should dive into the newest developments.

Here my suggestions for you in October 2020:

1. US DoJ Report (October 2020)

The United States Department of Justice has published an intriguing report

„Cryptocurrency: An Enforcement Framework“

It is a box full of: threat(s) overview; illicit uses; the role of the #Darknet; criminal activities; and more.

2. China impact, power and (possible) illicit activities

If you think that the authorities are only sitting in ivory towers and have no understanding of the real world, please catch a glimpse of what is happening Currently on the so called world’s largest Bitcoin trading platform (OKEx).

PR China has started investigation, arrested people and forced the withdrawal of money from the OKEx.  

Is this China‘s another crackdown on cryptocurrencies aka digital tokens or simple a normal legal enforcement?

Take your choice.

For more information compare or another sources.